Complimentary registration will be provided to qualified journalists who wish to register and attend the Global Hygiene Symposium 2023.
Journalists who meet the criteria will be offered a delegate pass on a space-available basis.
Any media interested in registering to attend should complete the form below.
Whilst we can facilitate media registration at the event, we cannot guarantee a space, so it is advised that all journalists register prior to arrival.
Applications for media registration will be accepted from journalists employed by or on assignment from:
When you register for the Symposium, you will be asked to submit the documentation below.
Proof of employment by the media outlet (eg, a copy of the publication’s masthead with the reporter’s name listed) or a letter of assignment from the editor, producer, or news director of the outlet if the reporter is freelance.
Two articles or news reports from recognized media outlets published in the last 12 months, that credit the reporter who is seeking media accreditation and demonstrate the reporter’s capacity to cover the types of research issues addressed at the Symposium.
You can complete the registration process prior to submitting this documentation, in order to guarantee your place. Your tickets will then be held in our booking system until you log back in to submit the required documents. Your tickets will be issued once this has been verified.
For any media enquiries, please contact us using the form below.
© Reckitt Global Hygiene Institute 2023