Objectives for the Global Hygiene Symposium

To establish areas for multi-sectoral collaboration across hygiene fields

The Global Hygiene Symposium aims to develop areas for collaboration within and between different hygiene fields, including hand hygiene, zoonosis, food hygiene, antimicrobial resistance (AMR), and environmental health. 


Through mutual learning from public policymakers, researchers and programme practitioners, the Symposium will strengthen the understanding of the pathways to comprehensive hygiene strategies. By building a dialogue between researchers, practitioners and policymakers, the symposium will set out the common challenges and explore options for future collaboration to accelerate global progress on hygiene and health. 


To strengthen the role, influence, and responsiveness of hygiene research on policy and practice

The Symposium will provide a forum for hygiene researchers and practitioners to develop a common understanding of the evidence needed to drive improvements in public health outcomes. By bringing together stakeholders from different sectors the Symposium will identify the knowledge gaps and the research needed to improve outcomes in public health and broader societal well-being. It will deepen the understanding of how research can better inform policy and practice. 

Summit Aims and Outputs

It will bring together scientists, politicians, the private sector and civil society to generate impact through the intersection between health and hygiene ~ which is vital to safeguarding the physical and economic wellbeing of populations worldwide, both amid COVID-19 and beyond.  

Who should attend the Global Hygiene Symposium?

Researchers, practitioners, and policymakers are encouraged to attend the Global Hygiene Symposium.

Summit Aims and Outputs

It will bring together scientists, politicians, the private sector and civil society to generate impact through the intersection between health and hygiene ~ which is vital to safeguarding the physical and economic wellbeing of populations worldwide, both amid COVID-19 and beyond.  

RGHI is focussed on plugging significant gaps in the health research space and improving access to information that will bridge epidemiology, public health, and behaviour change. The Global Hygiene Summit will align with this aim by informing the global health agenda stimulating discussion that could lead to the adoption of better and more sustainable hygienic practises globally.

In addition to these learnings, the Global Hygiene Summit 2023 will motivate the [Singapore] Declaration; a guide for structural change that will be brought about by co-discussion and global co-operation and set the agenda for future change.